easy money

making easy money with bukisa and adsense

I'm writing this article and i know that many people need it ,they need to know if there is a way to make easy money on the INTERNET ,the answer is there is no way to make that easy money ,you should have patience perseverance you should before thinking about making money know that maybe it will take you months before starting making some dollars ,but i will tell you a secret it been only 2week that i search a way to make easy money and i didn't find anyone but i think that i will be able to make 100 $ to 1000$ a mouth but i need more time if you are beginner and you really want to make money so join my blog and we can all search and put the secrets of making money on the INTERNET multiple brain are better than one.
to day i founded a way to make some extract cash it's called bukisa , this site is what gave me faith when i read some article about it, my hope grow ,and now i think that it's possible to make some extra cash with adsense and bukisa .this site pay you when people read one of your article for each 1000 read you get around 4$ ,may be it doesn't seam to be a good deal but it's a really good one , cause it also help you to increase you're web or blog rank , don't undertand what this mean i will explain:
when you want to go on a web page ,what do you use? the answer is easy :you use Google or an other search engine even if you know the URL "that's what i do" but when the page that you search isn't good ranked it doesn't appear .so my advise is to make your site good ranked there is a lot of ways to do this , some are expensive other are free , witch one do you want ? let me guess ,it's the free one !!!
 I will refer you to some article that helped me to know about busika they really helped me !
read this article
and this on too
and an other

maybe i am not giving you lot of information to get rich but it a an easy way to make some extra money you even if you are in Africa "I'm using Africa as example because i am Moroccan" 

if you don't now how to rite an article it's easy you should just be a human "kidding" you should have a blog if you don't now how to creat one go to this page it's very easy .

one more think you will not make money in few days you will not have a good rank site instantly if you are too pressed and don't won't to take take you're time if you're not able to wait  don't try to make money in the INTERNET.